Thursday, March 5, 2020

Choosing a College Major Education

Choosing a College Major Education A pretty straight-forward major, yet still with so many options. The study of Education is a great road to be on. Its focused, fulfilling, and determinative of a clear career path. But it is not a path you should choose just for the safety teaching is one of those positions that should be reserved only for those who are sincerely passionate about it. If you want to be an educator, you should ideally first be a student who is sincerely passionate about learning. Selecting this major should be a promise to yourself that you will bring that passion and keep it with you as long as you reside in the education world. Skills Needed: Depending on the grade level and/or subject you are hoping to teach, certainly make sure you are ready to apply those respective skills. For instance, its advisable that you have a prior knack for math before you sign on to train in mathematics education, or naturally have a way with vocabulary before deciding to be an English teacher. You arent expected to be an absolute expert; you are still a student and have time to learn, after all. Just try not to overwhelm yourself by taking on too much at once. Learning to be a good teacher is a big task in and of itself without having to stress over the rules of science that you take great issue with comprehending. Its going to be pretty difficult to feel poised about imparting that wisdom on future students if you have a particularly tough time putting it together yourself. Identify subjects that you actually take an interest in. Finally, bring a communicative personality, creativity, and confidence. Any teacher can be intell igent, but its the great ones whose lessons are interesting and whose presences are respected by their students. You cant attain those things without true self-assurance. Learn to practice these elements early on as you study the Education major and your teachers preparation methods will take you much farther. If you are interested in majoring in education you may want to check out these tips on analyzing teachers colleges. Lessons Learned: Teachers are becoming more important than ever in todays society. Although the economy may indicate otherwise with its massive layoffs, that is not unique to the education industry and highly talented teachers are constantly being sought after. By choosing this major, you will learn just how to be that uniquely impressive kind of educator. Education programs train you how to develop lesson plans, how to engage students, how to understand how those students think. You will see the other side of the coin as you see your viewpoint on school evolve from that of a student to that of an educator. Education majors are rightfully brought into the world they signed up for, eventually directly, by student teaching and/or observing classes. Most if not all programs require Education students to do that for at least a semester, and normally those students are able to experience the classroom of their choice i.e. an elementary math class, a high school art class, etc. By that po int, you are likely to be pretty far immersed in the life of a teacher and have a good idea of whether or not this is something you actually can do for the rest of your life. The substantial, real-world experience you get in the Education major for your career path is truly a great benefit that not all majors are able to offer. If you are still unsure about your major here is some great information on picking a major early in college. Post-Grad Opportunities: This one shouldnt be too hard to figure out. Clearly, a reason for this major being one of the most popular ones is the fact that it leads to a guaranteed type of job position. Nobody is going to curiously hound you about what youre going to do with your degree. When you say youre majoring in Education, its a give-in that you are planning on teaching. The aforementioned options of concentration, however, definitely come into play. Another perk of the Education major: freedom to focus in the area you prefer and work in it later. You wont always land the exact school you desire (the best district, the nicest area, the most well-behaved students). Yet, if your degree(s) say you are trained in Education and Spanish, Education and Biology, Education and Music, etc. that is the area you are qualified to teach in and will teach in. Nobody wants to hire a teacher for a subject they are simply not certified in. Education majors have the comfort of one of the most pro mised career paths out there. You may also want to check out this information on college majorswhich may help you decide what major would best suit you.

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